Credit not added properly

Hello! I paid for the first time today the $2.99 using the google payment option, I am still sitting, waiting for my credits to be added.

could you kindly check if there’s any error? Thanks!

the balance still haven’t added to my account…

We apologize for the inconvenience. If you capture the receipt to prove the payment details and send it to us through 1:1 inquiry on the website, we will take care of it.

I’ve sent an email to but it didnt look active.
Could you give me a link for the 1:1 inquiry? Thanks!

After logging in on the website, please leave a post at Private Support.

i’ve post it on the private support, please check it.


@trckz I think I’d answered your issue at the private support topic. When you get a chance, please check it. :slight_smile:

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