FFXIV - JP Elemental Servers

It seems that the servers for FFXIV JP Elemental have changed IP addresses again.

Currently, it’s but using Mudfish doesn’t change/improve my connection to the game (checked using PingPlotter).

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Note that it changes. Sometimes, I see it’s Other time, it’s 36.6.

When I checked these IPs, all of them should be handled by the game item… So if it doesn’t make any difference with Mudfish, did you try to test with Full VPN mode too?

For what its worth, I’ve just tried it in Full VPN mode. On mudfish it shows that I’m supposedly getting around 78ms. However in game (and yes, it has been accurate in the past) is showing 98ms.

@genuinefake Did you try to turn on and off WFP Item mode and compare the ping?

I’m not sure that this issue is from WFP Item mode but I’d like to see whether it affects to the ping.

I previously had WFP Item node turned on (when it wasn’t working for 36.6).

After I turned it off and tried again, it was working again, changing the route and improving ping for 36.6. (70-90ms compared to the 60-70ms that I get with 37.10 on mudfish)

WFP Item Mode On = Works for 37.10, Doesn’t work for 36.6
WFP Item Mode Off = Works for 37.10, Works for 36.6

Turning WFP off seems to be working! Thank you!

:slight_smile: Thank you for your feedback. When I get a chance, I’ll try to look this issue closer.

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Thank you. Just out of curiosity, could we be notified when the fixes for the WFP working again on the FFXIV game item here?

@genuinefake I’ll try to update this topic when I found something though this symptom isn’t easy to debug…


Hello! Is there an update on getting WFP working again for FF14’s JP Elemental servers? Without it the consumption on traffic balance is notably higher. Thank you!

@genuinefake Unfortunately no luck to find any something wrong at this moment. When I checked this feature it seems it’s woring fine as intended…

However did you check this issue recently with WFP Item mode? I’m not sure that it’s still even same.

hello! just checked a couple of minutes ago. seems to be working again. ping is now lower with WFP turned on. Thank you, weongyo!

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