피파17 프로클럽을 하는데 서버현황이 asia 서버밖에

피파17 프로클럽을 하는데 서버현황이 asia 서버밖에 없더라구요. 그 외의 지역 유저들과도 어느정도 쾌적하게 하고싶은 마음이 큰데 유럽이랑 아메리카쪽 서버는 열어주실수 없을까요?

대부분의 분들이 홍콩 서버쪽을 하셔서 다른 게임 서버에 대한 게임 서버 정보를 주지 않아 업데이트가 없는 것입니다. ㅠ.ㅠ  
혹시 가능하시다면 미꾸라지를 이용한 패킷 덤프를 해당 유럽 혹은 아메리카 쪽 게임을 하시는 동안 덤프하여 보내주시면 제가 분석 후 처리해 드릴 수 있어 보입니다. :-)  

음… 혹시 어느 지역 서버를 말씀하시는 지요? 현재는 홍콩 서버가 등록되어 있습니다.

만약 패킷 덤프가 가능하시다면 Full VPN 모드 로 게임을 하시는 동안 잠깐 미꾸라지를 이용한 패킷 덤프 를 하여 보내주세요. 제가 분석 후 등록해 드릴 수 있습니다.

특정 유료vpn 체험판을 쓰던도중에 유럽 프랑스, 독일, 영국쪽으로 해봤는데 핑이 150-200정도 나오더군요 아시아 유저들의 개인기량에비해 유럽유저들의 개인기량이 체감상 떨어지는감이 있어서 핑이 80-100정도만 나와줘도 할만할텐데요

중계서버를 해당지역쪽으로 해도 그정돈느 나오더라구요. 진짜 핑만되면 좋은데…

Thank you for sending the packet dump. However did you try to use Ragnarok Online game item of Mudfish before? When I check this packet dump, it seems it’s already covered by mudfish game item.

Full VPN mode:OFF

and I had dota 2 “Item” disabled earlier

The patcher wouldn’t connect to the server

Please check Why my traffic get wasted while I am sleeping? section for this issue. I think it’s related with it.


yeah I understand about the delay, what I’m more concerned about is the cost per game

but I guess you meant I might have used the traffic beforehand and the 900mb just got deducted at once so it looked very expensive

I’ll do a proper test this weekend, and I won’t be requesting a refund, I still value the results I’m getting from your service.

thanks a lot for the extra credits btw

If you’re familiar with Wireshark, please send me some packet dump files using Packet Capture with Wireshark link. :frowning: It seems I couldn’t figure out what was missed in this packet dump.

:slight_smile: No problem. Please check ‘Status -> Access Log’ menu carefully if you’re interesting to how your mudfish credits are used.