하이지 아시아 서버가 340ms으로 떠요 ㅠ…도와주세요
하이지를 하기 전에 켜야하는건가요? 어떻게 사용하는건지 설명해주세요…ㅠ… 여기저기 봐도 모르겠어요.
음… 일단 FAQ-중계 서버 관련 문서를 참조하셔서 중계 서버를 변경하시며 시도를 해보셨는지요? 일단 어느 구간에 이런 현상이 발생되는지 확인이 되지 않기 때문에 좀 더 많은 테스트가 필요로 해보입니다.
MUDEC_00060 , MUDEC_00137 , MUDEC_00254 , MUDEC_00258
- change your node
Connection Protocol in TCPs
- consider to change MAC Address
- consider reducing MTU from 1450
- run Mudfish with option lowercase `-s`
then access to https://ui.mudfish.net:8282
- connect with Mudfish DNS Client If Mudfish DNS Client doesn't work,
- gpedit.msc - Local Computer Policy - Computer Configuration - Administrative Template - Network - DNS Client - Turn off smart multi-homed name resolution - Enabled - OK
- Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections - TAP-Win32 Adapter V9 - Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4) Properties - General - Advanced... - IP Settings - Automatic metric - Interface metric - recommended 15
- use capital `-O` option to change the Mudfish's working method as refer Firewall - Mudfish Master Server
- China https://mudfish.net/forums/6/topics/44662 https://mudfish.net/forums/6/topics/37597
This has nothing to do with what you ask.
The latest version of Mudfish for OpenWRT is 2.1.21 so I see you already have it.
Then could you let us know more details about what you want to a newer version?
Credentials or Token stored on the router (instead of logging in from time to time) or allowing to select the expiation of the session in the cookie.
Sometimes you do not remove a node when it is blacklisted, until after a while, it would be helpful for a cron to review pending requests (which could not be processed) and remove them from time to time.
Show alias bandwidth usage..
Some servers give strange disconnection problems (in my case I mostly use it for final fantasy XIV and with some there are packet losses, connection problems, etc. In these cases a mini form would be good to notify the problem to you, with the respective logs, so that they can check why the problem occurs.
If possible, expand the service to "smart dns" , for those devices that do not allow direct connection as consoles, I know it is very difficult but it is something that many players look for (especially in an MMO) and no matter where they are, with the dns they could enjoy their service (or part of it).
And it would not be bad to put everything on https, for more security and also 2FA if possible, for users who use bad passwords and somehow the accounts are safer.
Thank you.
I would like a mode that does not have to start session, but that the data is stored in the router.
I can't follow your question from this point. What's "session"? And what's "data" you're pointing here?
Credentials or Token stored on the router (instead of logging in from time to time) or allowing to select the expiation of the session in the cookie.
Which mudfish version are you using? Are you a user of OpenWRT or a user or ipTIME router? If I know correctly, mudfish already uses the token based authentication if you checked "Remember Me" checkout button.
Sometimes you do not remove a node when it is blacklisted, until after a while, it would be helpful for a cron to review pending requests (which could not be processed) and remove them from time to time.
It seems like you're trying to report multiple issues of Mudfish. :-) Could you please make another topics for each issue rather than mixing those into one? It looks that this issue is little bit different with the previous one..
“I can't follow your question from this point. What's "session"? And what's "data" you're pointing here?”
Every time I turn on the router, he sometimes asks me to log in again, differently the case for example to openvpn, since the credentials are saved and I don't need to perform that step.
"Which mudfish version are you using? Are you a user of OpenWRT or a user or ipTIME router? If I know correctly, mudfish already uses the token based authentication if you checked "Remember Me" checkout button."
Openwrt, router gl-ar300m.
" It seems like you're trying to report multiple issues of Mudfish. :-) Could you please make another topics for each issue rather than mixing those into one? It looks that this issue is little bit different with the previous one.."
Every time I turn on the router, he sometimes asks me to log in again, differently the case for example to openvpn, since the credentials are saved and I don't need to perform that step.
Umm... You're pointing that it happens "sometimes", right? Are you meaning that sometimes it doesn't ask the ID / PWD? Mudfish uses the token based authetication if you tried to remember the credentials but it stores under /etc/ directory for later use cases. It seems it's reset by something or other issues. :-( Is it consistently reproducible after rebooting the router?
Sometimes I turn on the router and it asks me to login, even after doing it a couple of minutes ago or restarting it.
Sometimes a couple of days but most of the time it is not usually more than 2 days when I do not need to log in to the router, log in, then in mudfish and that is annoying at times, when it would be easier to turn on and play.
Please Logout then Sign In without Remember Me(auto-login) then Remember Me function will work again
Thank you for your response, except that it does not work when you turned off the router and turn it on again, as indicated above, but you will be able to fix it over time.