5e杭州這裡顯示50 ping但是連接上去是80

5e杭州這裡顯示50 ping但是連接上去是80

  • Please leave what you want to play alone then close other programs.
  • In Subscription Plan, it is just credit-fixed for 1 month but speed limited as 1 Mbps except for first 3 seconds. Most Mudfish items are available at $ 0.88 for 1 month It uses $ 0.029 day by day. https://mudfish.net/forums/6/topics/47855
  • Pay-Per-Traffic users can use Mudfish Items as a nodes' maximum capable speed at that time. Without extra-pay but weighted. It's flexible how long will going your credits. The Pay-Per-Traffic plan consumes 2 times as based capacity of a node's up and download traffic.
  • Picking a node that shows near flat graph may considered more consistency.
  • In general, network congestion has getting increased on night to early morning.

How to pick the best mudfish node for game I play?

What does System Load mean?

I'm pretty sure all other programs are off when i play 5e csgo. I understand that for subscription plan the ping will be unstable if lots of people using it, this is not the problem i encounter, my problem is that the ping shown on mudfish sometimes didnt match the ingame ping. take china(hangzhou) for example, the mudfish's graph shows an average of 40 ping while ingame im having a 80 ping. Btw it only happens in China(hangzou) but pretty stable in China(shenzhen).

RTT calculation may be delayed around 30 minutes to 2 hours so you may belated or mismatched notice that actual RTT.