About a dead mudfish server

Hi i use mudfish to play elsword through ES - Madrid (VPS Cool) [ https://mudfish.net/admin/serverstatus/670 ] this server is the only one in spain who i can get <150 ms so my question is it coming back? because this specific node offered me the best connection to the game, thanks!

@frbk123 Sorry for this inconvenience. At this moment, the mudfish node (ES Europe (Madrid - VPSCool)) you used is destroyed… :frowning: So not restorable.

You need to use other mudfish nodes… If you want, I’ll try to contact to the server provider.

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Please, if you can make a new node with vpscool or another provider that exchanges traffic in DE-CIX Madrid would be great; my latency with Giner mudfish server’s on madrid is 230+ and with vps,cool 135+

Okay. Let me lease a server from VPSCool again. If there’s no issues, I think it’ll be available newly by end of today.

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