About domestic and international traffic when choosing nodes

hello i have some question about this domestic and international traffic.

as you can see from the picture 27 april i choose HKG node to connect to Guildwars 2 server while playing youtube music on browser
for the next day i choose Jakarta node 28-29 april while playing Guildwars 2 and youtube music
for 30 April its still Jakarta node but i only play Guildwars 2 without youtube music. so i dont think youtube music affect the domestic
all this done thru basic setting

is there a chance the domestic traffic caused because im choosing jakarta node? because im playing from indonesia. as you can see when i choose HKG node on 27 april, there barely any domestic traffic

is this normal behavior if you choose domestic node to use? so my quota got hit twice? thanks

Frankly speaking the domestic/international terms are deplicated at this moment because it’s meaningless at current version of Mudfish. So please just check the sum of the domestic traffics and the international traffics. That’s only a meanful statistic.

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okay, i thought its using my traffic twice. if its the usual behavior then its all good

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