Add once human vpn

Please add vpn support for Once Human

As a workaround if you can’t find the game you’re playing, you should use one of the methods at Unsupported Games.

And if you want to see it officially at Mudfish, please send me some game packets using Packet Capture with Mudfish link while playing the game with Full VPN mode.

I need some game packets to register for a new game.

Dont reaaaaally need the game packets.
this is their master server list, just need to find from what region is each ip i guess.

Also, the issue with sending the game packets is that the game has a bunch of servers, and players are usually tied to the one they created their character on, so the packets will only be good for that single server.
Also, netease is using GCP and they dont own the IP addresses they are using, bad for ip block routing.

When will it be available?, because I am not buying any other application. Waiting for this on mudfish.

Hello can anyone just capture and send? Soon add in? I tried manually adding the game it doesnt work

Yeah. The process was very difficult for me. I would try if there was youtube tutorial on it.

Okay… Today I tried to create “Once Human” game item. So when you get a chance, please test whether it works for you. If not, please let me know.

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