Am I paying for the service I am using now? Or, am I using a free server?
I think you used all your trial credits.
How many trial credits did I start with?
Also, are there free servers? I am having serious packetloss issues while playing dota but I would like to see if the “free servers” (if they exist) are sufficient.
Thanks for your response.
How many trial credits did I start with?
Very tiny. 10 KRW as trial credits.
are there free servers?
Nop. Only two servers are free as follows:
- NZ Oceania (Auckland - HDNET) - PBE
- ZA South Africa (Johannesburg - Samrand) - PBE
Does the router change mean that my gp-1202 router no longer works with this service?
Thanks again for your responses.
My basic purpose in using MudFish is that when I play Dota 2, I get severe packet loss. This packet loss ends in me getting disconnected from my Dota 2 matches. Obviously, this is annoying. My ISP engineer recommended this program, but I think it is the responsibility of the ISP to sort this out.
However, I am trying to use this service to see if it is helpful. But I find it very cumbersome to determine if it is working well for me or not. I don’t understand whether this program/service is helping my situation.
Hi. It seems my problem is that Dota 2 is no longer supported? Or, that the Dota 2 node is no longer alive? I’ve went thru the self-diagnosis help and the “tokyo softbank” server seems to be dead.
Also I have this message for that server:
JP Asia (Tokyo - SoftBank 2) s ago
Hi! The issue seems to be resolved. I didn’t check the servers or nothing, but the ‘auto calibration’ is no longer stuck at 10%.
Does the router change mean that my gp-1202 router no longer works with this service?
It’s an annoucement by mine regarding to Mudfish Router which is one of our products.
I am trying to use this service to see if it is helpful. But I find it
very cumbersome to determine if it is working well for me or not.
Please make sure that How to check the basic functionality works fine first.