Battlegrounds mobile India unstable connection

Should I equip battlegrounds mobile India in Mudfish website as an item and select the fastest server first before using the app for playing this Indian geographical restricted game. I am getting desync issues and bullet registration and choppy game while connecting through Mudfish. Playing from iPad from Dubai using stable internet. Also, let’s say in website if I choose Amazon ec2 while equipping an item, does that mean I need to select the same in the app also.

can i pls get a reply

@engineerskilled Is iPad a primary machine you’re using with Mudfish? If then, not much choices you can try because it only supports Full VPN mode.

So no per-app VPN and advanced/multipath node modes. Moreover there’s not much tools to analyze your issues. :frowning:

If you have a PC / desktop beside of iPad, please try to test your network status from your desktop to (Battlegrounds Mobile India - Asia (Mumbai)) using How to use WinMTR link.

I think you need to do two tests; one without mudfish and another with mudfish connected. I think this result shows you where this issue is from.

i use mudfish in ipad as the game i am refering is a mobile game…my question is, is equipping an item will make any difference or i should not do any of these things in ur website and rather i should simply download the app in my ipad and play…bcz u have given the same mobile game in ur website to equip as an item… so will this give me any benifit?

If you’re a user of mudfish app for iPad, the website settings doesn’t affect at all except the following things: :frowning:

  • Data Plan
  • Mudfish Credits

The item settings from the website are normally for Mudfish Cloud VPN for PC/Desktop version.

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