Black Desert Online data usage

Black Desert Online data usage has jumped recently to more than 2.5GB of traffic per day. Is this something done on the client side that i can turn down? How can i track my daily usage over time via mudfish.

Not sure it’s related with CDN and Mudfish.

How can i track my daily usage over time via mudfish.

It seems you’re enabled Connection Log option to track your data usage. :slight_smile: Please check it again when this issue happens again.

It’s enabled, and im still doing consistently ~2.7 GB of data. this can’t be correct…that’s a significant amount of data, and i’m not patching this much every day…

Frankly speaking I don’t know why because it seems the access log aren’t wrong. Are you running some king of background service on Windows which could create network activities?

did you ever find out why it’s consuming that much?? i’m having the same problem.

Are you watching Twitch? I’ve found that for some reason it seems to count twitch traffic.

Well for today I did not. Prolly watched 3-5 videos on facebook and did not patch any game. Mostly Afked and i lost like 2-3GBs. Mudfish really helps but 2-3gb for not even a day is too much.

Yeah i was having similar issues, its the reason i changed mine to subscription, sure it limit’s the speed to 500 kb/s but you don’t really need more then that to play a game ( though it throttles twitch goddammit) and $1.50 per month is a pretty good price.

i thought subscription was 10$/month. So you’re saying that speed is better for playing black desert? will it be enough to take away most of the desyncs and occasional rubberbanding?

well, it’s $1.50 per item per month, as for desyncs and stuff it wont change that at all, however its unlimited usage, so you wont have to worry about AFKing and using 3gb, just don’t try using twitch at the same time and the bandwidth will be enough.

But my purpose for using it is to improve the connection and deal with all those though.

Well I’m not a member of Staff or anything, just a fellow user, all i did was offer a suggestion with how I fixed my Data problems, as for the rest wait for the owner to contact you i guess.

@fcozada I think I’d leaved my answer at your topic. :slight_smile: Please check when you get a chance.