Call Of Duty: Warzone - Unstable, erratic ping and stuck at loading screen

Could someone PLEASE take a look at what is going on with Warzone? The connection is VERY inconsistent. Sometimes it works perfectly, but most of the time I either get very high and erratic ping, with packet loss. Sometimes it will get stuck at the loading screen.

I have tried to run it on TCP and UDP modes, but the results are similar.

I have noticed that it is way more stable during the day time versus night time. The connection is just very inconsistent and no matter what node I attempt to connect, its very frustration to get into the game and then get high ping, or get stuck at the loading screen after the lobby.

I can never find a good, reliable connection at night. During the day, maybe one or two nodes will work, even those will have high ping or packet loss.

For the first two weeks, Mudfish worked perfectly. But ever since then, I’ve always had problems with this. Why can’t the ping be consistent? Why do the nodes have good RTT, but the ping is never stable and packet loss? I’ve literally tried everything and it’s just getting so damn frustrating because it only works like 25% of the time nowdays.

Which really sucks because Mudfish was amazing the first two weeks. I recently bought more credits and switched to a subscription, so it really sucks that I’m not able to use it. Am I doing something wrong?

Is this really getting ignored? I saw posts later than mine getting responses.

This might be not true because normally I answer topics first whose creation date is older. However if it’s true, please don’t add a comment not to bump.

Did you check Data Plans when you change the data plan? Please be aware that Subscription has the speed cap. So if you encounter the packet loss, it could be caused by the data plan too.

Thanks for your response. I understand what you mean, I won’t bump anymore. Sorry. :frowning:

Yeah, but it says the speed is 4mpbs burst and 1mbps? is that upload and download? But anyway, I’m not sure if speed is the issue. During gameplay, I checked network traffic and the transfer rate is well within 1mbps. And I had the same issue when I was PPT also. :confused: That’s why I switched to subscription. I don’t use full VPN either. Haven’t noticed a speed difference switching to subscription, but if you’re sure it’s a subscription issue, I can try changing to PTT. I don’t mind paying extra, I just want it to work. :frowning: I’m just not sure if speed is the problem here. Do you want me to try switching back to PTT and check?

This speed cap affects to both directions; upload and download. However if you want to check whether there’s a speed cap issue, please check the core log at ‘Status -> Process’ menu. Normally there’ll be MUDEC_00330 error code when this issue happens.

Yes. I’d reset your data plan. So please test whether there’s a difference between PPT snd SUB.

I’ve been using Mudfish all day and no such error code was found. Also, I can’t seem to notice any differences in speed or performance after switching to PTT. :confused: It’s still the same. Works fine during the day time, but during night time, it stops working almost completely no matter which node I try. Either high packet loss or high ping or it gets stuck at the loading screen. I’ve also noticed that during the day also, some Mudfish nodes have never gone past the loading screen.

Is it possible to put a server in India? Close to where I live? I am in a city called Chennai. I’ve tried the servers in India, but they also get stuck at the loading screen, or have very high ping.

Please try to test your network status from your desktop to using How to use WinMTR link.

I think this result shows you where this issue is from. If this issue happens during night time, I think it might be ISP issue at somewhere.

I’ll try to check there are proper server providers at Chennai. However when you get a chance, please test it with WinMTR first. If this issue happens at middle of internet, leasing a new node isn’t helpful in my opinion.