Can anyone tell me how much

Can anyone tell me how much is 1gb for in Pay Per Traffic Mode?

In Subscription Plan, it is just credit-fixed for 1 month but speed limited as 1
Mbps except for first 3 seconds.

Pay-Per-Traffic users can use Mudfish Items as a nodes’ maximum
capable speed at that time. Without extra-pay but weighted.

It’s flexible how long will going your credits. The Pay-Per-Traffic plan
consumes 2 times as based capacity of a node’s up and download traffic.

If you say about traffic balance, we offer

  • $ 2.99
    24.0 GB

  • $ 4.99
    40.1 GB

  • $ 9.99
    80.3 GB

so it’ll about 8 GB for 1 USD


Thank You, your response was highly helpful


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