Can we add a new server for Dubai

Hey there.

It’s me again, long time no see haha.

Could we by chance add a new node for Dubai so that we can get low ping from South Africa to Dubai. With this we can get low ping for Rainbow Six Siege, as well as for Fortnite, which is a massive community in South Africa.

We need to add a server from Du-Dubai. I suggest using the following Host:

If there are any other VPS hosts you think are better, please use that instead.

Thank you!

@Elkstir IIRC I tried to lease one box and set up a mudfish node at in the past. But failed because their VPS doesn’t allow to change a network interface name from ens3 to eth0. It’s a fundamental requirement to deploy a mudfish node at this point. :frowning:

So I could not make any progress to use them… I think I need to look for other providers.

That’s very annoying. :frowning:

Yeah so any Dubai node using the Du-Dubai network would be amazing. I have looked for a pretty long time, and there are quite a few, but I’m not sure which exact ones would be best.

Thanks again.

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