Cannot share Mudfish through game items only full vpn mode (PS5 and win10)

As the title says I’m unable to share my internet with my PS5 if I’m not using full vpn mode! PSN won’t recognize an internet connection being there, just the connection to my pc!

I think you already checked Internet Connection Sharing with Mudfish link, right? If I know this issue correctly, this’s a known issue. :frowning: You need to enable Full VPN mode to work it properly.

hello there fellow mudfish user.
have you made your mudfish work on ps5? im still having trouble with mine, can you help me and teach me how?

@thonyf27 Please check the following links for this case though I’m not sure there’a a working method on your environment:

And please let me know again if there’s any issue while setting it up.

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