Cant use Mudfish only for Lost Ark in My items

Hello Mudfish,
I have added Lost Ark Jp as an item, put node to basic, and chose JP-Google server. When I clicked on Connect, then checked What’s my IP, the site says that Mudfish is not connecting and I cannot connect to the pmang site. But when I try to go with full VPN mode, everything connects just fine. Are there some problems with my settings or is it because of Lost ark itself?

I just want to connect mudfish to Lost Ark itself, if there is a guide on that, please help me.

In the current situation, the LostArk item needs to be modified.
In order to update the game item, we need to some game packet dumps.
Please send us some game packets using Packet Capture with Mudfish link while playing the game(in JP game server) with Full VPN mode if there’s a chance.