hello when iam using mudfish it shows that the process is failed since there is a X mark
and i can’t see mudfish.exe and mudflow is running it also show that no mudfish_stdout.txt mudfish_stderr.txt exists
me too…
Happening here as well. Running the Full VPN settings should still be able to work as a workaround, though.
Same and its only been happening today
Same here It just happened today
the issue still not solve
What happen? I cant connect to anything at all
Well something is up, I can’t load any Process either.
The particular game I was having trouble with was Monster Hunter Frontier. I managed to get it working by clicking on the item, hitting the setup tab at the top, going down to active and selecting “Don’t use” then clicking save. After that, on the left hand menu, I went to items, manage items, Monster Hunter: Frontier, clicking on it, and re-enabling it. Then I restarted Mudfish and the launcher and all seems to be working fine.
음… 미꾸라지를 이용한 게임 패킷 덤프에 나온 방법대로 한번 패킷 덤프를 떠서 보내주실 수 있으신지요? 먼가 중간에 게임 서버 IP 대역이 누락된 것이 아닌가 싶은데, 해당 덤프 이용이 가능하다면 제가 분석 후 업데이트를 해드릴 수 있을 듯 합니다.
네 . 말씀드린 사항은 이해하고 있습니다.
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