Discord item does not work outside full vpn

I am using mudfish because discord is banned here so I cannot access it without a VPN. I tried to add discord as an item through item entry and use mudfish only for the discord as I do not need it for anything else. Discord does not work still, exactly the same way if I didn’t use mudfish at all, so it looks like it is not working. I tried some different servers and some different nodes but it did not change anything. Only going full VPN allows me to log in to Discord at all. I would really prefer not go full VPN if there is a solution.


  • Destination Server: Asia (Singpore)
  • Node Mode: Basic mode
  • Selected Mudfish Node
    • RO Europe (Romania - VPS2day)

@amarien If it works fine with Full VPN mode enabled, it means something is missing in the discord item of Mudfish.

Did you try to turn on WFP Item mode and test the discord item before? I’m curious that it’s still not working with that mode.

Yes I tried to turn on WFP Item Mode by itself to test and it still was not working.

I never got a solution for this does anyone have any ideas to help?

Weird… Could you please make sure that How to check the basic functionality using WFP Item Mode works fine in your environment first?

If it still was not working, I think there’s a problem of WFP Item mode support…

I’ve just now tried this and it works fine. If the problem is with wfp item mode is there any way to fix it?

If How to check the basic functionality using WFP Item Mode link works fine for you, it means WFP Item mode is working good.

So no proglem with WFP Item mode.

However if it’s even same with WFP Item mode, please check Problem Report and send us the problem report. I need to check the internal logs…

I’ve sent a Problem Report now. Hopefully that will show what the issue is

I’d left my answer on another topic you created on the Private Support menu. Please check it there. :slight_smile: You can find your topics at https://mudfish.net/forums/iwrote link.

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