Dota 2 Sea server location

Hi there,
I’ve been using this on and off for a little over 2 years now. There used to be an option to choose Asia(Singapore) for when setting up an item for dota 2, this helped as I could see the ping to the dota 2 sea server after an RTT update. 110->90 by using mudfish
from my limited knowledge this started like 3 months back. could be caused by being down is the only one up, not sure if mudfish actually uses those server to test for best routing path.

Currently when setting up routs using Asia(Phillippines) it gives 180+ pings and in game 300+ as server are in Singapore I believe, basically making me have to guess what servers to use and rely on refreshing in game ping to test.

Any chance this can get looked in to?
this is Australia → Seas server.

Btw for those who have the same problem,
there is a work around for now, making your own SG server dota 2 item

following this Item · MUDFISH

and using for the IP destination, not sure what the routing table needs but putting down worked fine for me as in the screenshot.

Could you please check it again? I’d added “Asia (Singapore)” destination in Dota 2 game item. So I also used IP to calculate the ping.

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looks good to me, thanks for the quick fix!

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