Dragon nest 64 bit

Since Dragon Nest Sea added the 64 bit version, none of the servers work at all, they dont change my I.P. (is region blocked) nor it lowers it. It doesn’t even work with 32 bit version. Can it be fixed or revised? thanks.


+1 !!!
I had this issue also
Dragon Nest SEA can’t use VPN after 64 bit upgrade


I had this issue also

me too… please fix it

i have buy two years T_T

Same here too.
I just buy one month T_T…
Using time all wasted !! OMG.

Same for me. Somehow it does not work anymore since the update with 64 bit version

Bumping for a mod to see this and answer us

Also bumping for reason as above.

Umm… not sure what’s happened with the latest game patch… Did you try to test with Full VPN mode enabled? Is it even same?

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Basically, and from what I understand. Dragon Nest released another client, a 64bit one. Its in the same folder and all, but (and is not only the case for Mudfish but many other VPNS) makes vpn useless unless its full mode. The 32bits client doesn’t work anymore as an item aswell, due to this change.

So unless you use a full vpn (which many here don’t really want, like me), client wont work unless someone revises and updates the item. There are some vpn that are exception though and still only apply to the game and still work.

But being honest, if Mudfish can update them, I rather stick here to a different VPN, not only cuz is cheaper, but because is quite user friendly and all the info it displays.

Hope this helps to locate the problem, thanks in advance.

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If it works fine with Full VPN mode, it means that there’s a missing IP block at the game item. :frowning:
Please send me some game packets using Packet Capture with Mudfish link while playing the game with Full VPN mode.

To update the game item of mudfish, I need some game packets to analyze.

I did what you asked here https://mudfish.net/forums/7/topics/69691
Is that enough to see something?

I also uploaded packet dump from x64 version.

Any update on that?

weongyo updated the game item. For me it works now

When you get a chance, please test it again… When I checked the packet dump files you guys sent, it seems the game server is moved to the cloud servers which are MS Azure based. So now I’d updated the game item.

If it still doesn’t work properly, please send me some more packets.

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