Dragon Quest X item not working

I had been using the Dragon Quest X mudfish for around a month with no issues, but recently, when trying to use it Dragon Quest X blocks me from play for not having a suitable IP address.
I’ve checked the basic functionality through myip.mudfish.net and it’s fully functional and additionally, the full VPN mode allows me to properly access Dragon Quest X.
I’ve tried reinstalling both the Mudfish Launcher and Dragon Quest X in case the issue was with the installation of either but have continued to see no success with the item.
I’d prefer not to have to use the full VPN mode to play so I’d greatly appreciate some assistance with this.

If it works fine with Full VPN mode enabled, please send me some game packets using Packet Capture with Mudfish link while playing the game with Full VPN mode.

To update the game item of mudfish, I need some game packets to analyze.

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