Error 281 not getting fixed+ error 338 that doesn\t exist?!?! core is not working either

Hello, im new to mudfish and i have been trying to get in after using the league of legends item. Unfortunately, it keeps showing me these errors and getting stuck on 96%

if you look closely you will see error 338 which doesn’t even exist on the error code reference site image and also the core not working adding to that, I tried doing the cmd netsh winsock reset while taking sure I ran it as administrator 3 times and restarted my pc every time and error is still showing. I also tried disabling my firewall+enabling mudfish on my firewall in private and public ticks and deleting item and adding it again but it still did not work and same 2 errors occurred. Hope you solve my issue and I hope I was clear enough.

you answered others already so i hope you answer me as soon as possible

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Please confirm that How to check the basic functionality works fine in your environment. It’s a first thing you should test.

I’d updated the document little bit. So please check MUDEC_00338 link.

Full VPN mode works fine but i still get this error when i try without it image and after checking error 338 I will just send you what I found in logs

and the netsh command not working either as I stated before netsh winsock reset.

Could you please send me Problem Report when this issue happened? I need to check the internal logs.

I guess that there’s another error messages before MUDEC_00338. So I need to know which one is a fundamental reason.

To be honest I don’t know what you exactly want, I tried to manually send and searched a little bit trying to find the automatic report in the forums and couldn’t find it and also couldnt find muddiag_stdout file so i will just show you this image

Thank you for this screenshot. Ooops… Is the program (muddiag.exe at here) hang and stuck forever at this point? It looks like that it doesn’t move forward anymore…

yes it is, it just continues on failing and failing until it sends report but today I realized this “no mudflow_stderr exists”

edit: i have reread your question again and realized that you meant mudiag itself, no it only happened once and never again and it continues failing until it reports then closes

“No mudflow_stderr.txt exists” message isn’t harmful. So it should be okay. Please check ‘Manual mode’ section of Problem Report document. I think you can dump these logs into one .txt file.

cant put .txt files here so I emailed it. Please take a look.
oh god, an error image

alright used my outlook account to send it, please take a look.

@SirEdwardSpike When I checked the inbox of, it seems it’s not delivered… :frowning: Could you please send it again and let me know the subject of email?

subject name is: Muddiag text

@SirEdwardSpike Successfully I checked your email. However when I checked the problem report, it seems it doesn’t include MUDEC_00338 or MUDEC_00282… It means when you ran muddiag.exe to dump the logs, it seems all mudfish logs are cleaned up by something?

what the…?? its still here

Well, im somehow lost. Could you explain me how am I supposed to do this muddiag thing? do I need to start the app and connect then do it or do I need to have the app closed or whatever?

alright i sent you another email
Muddiag text 2
is the title

I checked your latest email but it’s still same… It looks .txt file was cut off in the middle. So still I can’t see any MUDEC_XXXXX error message in .txt file… :frowning:

Okay… Please follow the below step by steps:

  1. Exit mudfish program completely first to sure that mudfish isn’t running.

  2. Run ‘Mudfish Launcher’ and sign in. And after settings, start the mudfish by clicking ‘Connect’ button.

  3. Wait until MUDEC_XXXXX error happens. When you can see any errors, don’t touch (click / terminate) anything.

  4. Makes muddiag.txt manually as follows:

    • Opens Command Problem window then move to Mudfish’s installation directory (normally it’s C:\Program Files (x86)\Mudfish Cloud VPN).
    • Runs muddiag.exe -o
    • When it’s completed, you can find muddiag_stdout.txt file. If it’s enough big, please compress then send it to email address.

Greetings, i followed what you ordered me to do but I somehow couldn’t find muddiag_stdout file

anyways… i have changed my provider company lately and this company is kind of bad, I have went and used every device in my home just to get the same few errors, so I believe its our provider’s fault and there is nothing you can do (I’m not an expert but a lot of bad things happened the moment I changed into this provider) so I don’t really know if its your app’s fault or my provider’s fault

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