FaceIT Counter-Strike 2 NA

I see that you currently only have Counter-Strike 2 pointing to Valve Official Servers (as far as I can tell, at least in North America). I was hoping you could add FaceIT servers to the list.

It appears that FaceIT NA uses Psychz Networks:
Example IP in range:

Would you be able to create a separate item called FaceIT Counter-Strike 2 or Counter-Strike 2 FaceIT? I ask because I don’t want to re-route traffic to Valve servers, but I would like to re-route traffic to FaceIT as that’s where I’m having routing issues. This will also allow customers to choose if they want to re-route one or the other or both.

I tried creating a custom entry but then it would auto-configure and never complete plus it would say “Free” instead of routing through Mudfish official servers.

Thank you!

Thank you for this information. At this point I added new destination “US East (Chicago - FaceIT)” for this case and updated the game item.

Did you try to follow Create Custom Item link? Something is wrong. If the auto-configure never completes, please send us Problem Report.

Hello, keep in mind that also Virginia, Dallas, and Los Angeles IPs are within that subnet, not just Chicago.

Thank you for doing this.

I tried to submit a problem report and it failed as well. Going to reboot my openwrt router and try again to see if that clears it up.

Sure. If you knows the game server IP of each regions, please let us know too. I can update the destination information relatively.

IP Address Ranges (obtained from their looking glass - so there will probably be more than just the single /24): - Chicago - Virginia - Dallas - Los Angeles

I would just suggest changing that entry to “FaceIT NA” to make it easier and not worry about the breakdowns as those of us in the US expect to play across the states. :slight_smile:

I also tried to submit the problem report after rebooting but it’s not working. Are there any logs you’d like me to send over?

Edit & Update: When I changed the setting from “US East (Chicago - FaceIT)” to Virginia, it completes the auto-configuration. It only gets stuck at 10% when set to the newly created FaceIT destination.

Edit 2: After starting it with Virginia and then changing to “US East (Chicago - FaceIT)” it works on the auto-configure. Still is buggy as I will have to manually do these changes on each reboot of the openwrt router (which, while not often, is a pain to have to remember when I do).

Edit 3: When I changed it back to use Virginia, I see that the /16 netblock route was added in the logs. But, when I select just the FaceIT - Chicago option, it doesn’t work. Seems to be a bug perhaps? Either way, it’s working somewhat now. It appears that you don’t have a server in the same datacenter as where the Chicago server is located as the connection runs over Cogent for a while (which is an awful ISP as you likely know):

  2    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
  3    11 ms    13 ms    16 ms
  4    18 ms    17 ms    16 ms
  5    43 ms    28 ms    24 ms
  6    18 ms    13 ms    18 ms
  7     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  8    22 ms    14 ms    15 ms  be3083.ccr41.dca01.atlas.cogentco.com []
  9    28 ms    26 ms    27 ms  be2891.ccr21.cle04.atlas.cogentco.com []
 10    33 ms    39 ms    33 ms  be2717.ccr41.ord01.atlas.cogentco.com []
 11    33 ms    38 ms    36 ms  be2765.ccr41.ord03.atlas.cogentco.com []
 12    33 ms    33 ms    41 ms
 13    32 ms    33 ms    36 ms
 14    36 ms    32 ms    33 ms

Let me know what logs you need. I tried submitting a problem report again via the UI and it failed again. I also see a lot of dropped traffic, possibly from Mudfish servers on the kernel logs, which may be the reason for this issue.

Isn’t it correct? However even if it’s correct one, it looks like that IP is a part of Asia (India) region. :slight_smile: However for other destinations, I’d updated relatively.


Regarding to the auto-configuration issue, please check my answer at the private topic you made. It looks like it’s more related to Multi-Path mode.

It is actually (see: https://lg.lax.psychz.net/).

Will do on the auto-configuration issue. Thanks!

Okay. Based on this information, I’d updated the game item by adding “US West (Los Angeles - FaceIT NA)”

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