Failed to start on linux

when ever i tried to start mudfish i get those errors

im using manjaro kde (arch based) , im on the latest update.
i try to run MultiVersus item and im using pay per trafic plan

does anyone knows how to fix that ?
my guess is from what it seems it closes my netwrok then fails to connect to itself and end up in a loop

i found that using the flag -I fixes the problem
but what does -I flag do ?

edit: it seems like it doesnt actually work thought ping is the same with or without it


Please don’t add new comments after creating a topic because it’ll be bumped and reset your priority to get answers.

-I option is to change the IP address setting way. As default, Mudfish uses DHCP protocol to set the private IP address for Mudfish. However when -I option is enabled, it’ll try to use the system commands to set it.

Please confirm that How to check the basic functionality works fine in your environment. It’s the first thing you should test.

didnt know it restarts my priority sorry,
i tried to change the protocol and it doesnt seem to work, i now get a new error
that i dont think i saw last time

when i say it didnt work what i tried is using the 2 protocols with full vpn mode and load

Could you please send me Problem Report while this issue is happening? I need to check the internal logs.

i opened a report here

I’d left my answer on another topic you created on the Private Support menu. Please check it there. :slight_smile: You can find your topics at link.

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