Edit 2: sorry nvm, i waited a bit and it shoot back up. I’m from Indonesia if that matters.
Edit: Solved? For some reason reinstalling mudfish “fixes” my connection…? But i still don’t understand why this is a thing all of a sudden…
I’m from SEA and has been using mudfish to play on OCE server, and my ping for the past week when using Mudfish has been fluctuating pretty wildly.
normally it would stay around ~120ms, but now every time i check the RTT for nodes in OCE it’s always around 200+ms. And i kept getting packet loss every now and then… To add to that, i used to play on JP and using mudfish gave me about ~110ms, i tried checking it now and it’s about 180+ms.
i do still get ~120ms but it’s never stable, ping still fluctuates. idk why this is suddenly a thing, last week everything was just fine.
When i turn off mudfish, my ping is 230ms but it’s stable.(it’s that high because my ISP reroutes from my country, to Singapore, then Australia).