FFXIV Item not working

Hi! I’m just wanted to make this post because for the past few months the FFXIV item hasn’t been working for me. It isn’t reducing my ping at all, and even if I turn it off while I’m in the middle of the game I don’t get disconnected from the game’s server. Mudfish says it’s running but it isn’t doing anything for me, and only seems to work when I turn on full vpn mode. I’ve tried looking for errors, changing nodes, changing my firewall and mudfish settings, and I looked everywhere I could online for a solution, but I couldn’t find anything that I could do that I haven’t already tried.

Please confirm that How to check the basic functionality works fine in your environment. It’s a first thing you should test.

I just checked and it works when I turn on full vpn mode and go to https://myip.mudfish.net/

My problem is that it doesn’t work without full vpn mode

I did a packet dump which got uploaded to the other support page (I’m sorry I’m new and I don’t really know how the support pages work)

I’d leaved my answer at packet dump topic you created at Private Support menu. Please check it there. :slight_smile:

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