First of, the program works gr

First of, the program works great for me so thank you and keep up the good work! I just have some question, which are:

  1. Each time I start or reconfigure mudfish that requires a restart, I keep getting the prompt from Windows of a new network. And the network number persists and keeps on incrementing even after PC restart. (Screenshot, up to Network 8 now) Any way to prevent it? The increment and/or constant prompt of new network.
  2. Why is command prompt also affected by mudfish when I run a tracert even if I have full VPN mode off and only equipped 1 item? I thought that only the equipped item/program would be routed thru mudfish. Don't need to know the technical details of it, just wondering if that is intentional.

Saw a reply to someone else with the same issue, adding '-I' did fix the issue for #1!

31/08 edit: Would still like to know about question #2 though. Thank you.

  • If you had traceroute to based on your activated Mudfish Item then it'll also affected as like your Mudfish Item.
  • e.g. traceroute to while Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn activated then the packet segment reach to the destination via a Mudfish Node that you've selected.

Thank you for taking time to answer my questions! All worked as expected and I kindof understand now how Mudfish routes traffic. :)