For some reason. it keeps saying that i dont have a configuration. i dont know what is wrong with it though everything looks to be in order. the only thing i saw was next to the node it still has the looking glass and not a checkmark
Could you please elaboarate where you can find a messge regarding to “dont have a configuration”. Is it from Windows, Mudfish, Game client? If you’re first to use Mudfish, please check Quckstart link and try to check whetherh the basic functionality of Mudfish is fine.
I got help from a friend and we managed to fix it. everything is good now
Ok also im not very good at this type of thing but here is basicly want i want from this. I want to be able to play Revelation Online with around 270ms (lower then that probably gets expensive) so how much per month would that be?
Also i went from .03 to to having no money. without Mudfish even being turned on. so i dont know what happened there
so how much per month would that be?
Because your current data plan is subscription, I don’t think you’re now able to use Mudfish for that game due to no item equipped. However at this data plan, it’s 990 KRW (Korean Won) per a item.
> Also i went from .03 to to having no money. without Mudfish even being turned on. so i dont know what happened there
Please check Why my traffic get wasted while i am sleeping? section first. I think you already consumed all traffics when your data plan was pay-per-traffic.
Thank you for sending this problem report. However is there any problem to use Mudfish? If then please elaborate little bit more for me.
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