Getting ping of 3000 .. no mat

Getting ping of 3000 … no matter what i do i cant play any game … all other website work fine … mudfish is slow as F…

Please confirm that How to check the basic functionality works fine on your environment. It’s a first thing you should test.

However in a case of MUDEC_00306 error, it seems there’s a connectivity issue between your desktop and mudfish master server. :frowning: Is it still same? If it’s still same, please check link and try too.

wow and back to the 3000 ping problem … :frowning: sad Day

Weird… When I checked mudfish side, it there’s no problem between mudfish nodes and the destination. :frowning: Is this always reproducible whatever you changed a mudfish node? 에서 최신 미꾸라지 다운로드 및 설치해 보시기 바랍니다.

윜도우에서도 로그인이 안되요 계속 응답ㄱ다린다하고 저렇게뜹니다

로그인은되는데 연결이 아무것도안되네요ㅣ; 맥, 부트캠프입니다

MUDEC_00280 , MUDEC_00334


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