今天我才開vpn 用不到3小時就被吃掉3GiB的流量
流量瞬間被吃了3 GiB,以往就算開Twitch也沒有這麼誇張!!!
有點太誇張了吧 流量無緣無故就被吃掉 10天前才儲值補流量
今天我才開vpn 用不到3小時就被吃掉3GiB的流量
流量瞬間被吃了3 GiB,以往就算開Twitch也沒有這麼誇張!!!
有點太誇張了吧 流量無緣無故就被吃掉 10天前才儲值補流量
Sorry for answering in English because we’re not offering technical support in other languages.
First sorry for this inconvenience. Unfortunately, I think your issue is related to Amazon EC2, Twitch and Mudfish and CDN and Mudfish links. Please read these documents.
However, I’d reset your mudfish credits a little bit.
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