한국 > 북미 와우, 롤 접속하는데요

보통 핑이 200 전후로 나오는데 이전이랑 별 차이 없는데 원래 이정도인가요? ㅠ 블랙락서버인데 LA로 설정하는거 같은데 별 개선효과가 없어요ㅠㅠ

롤은 마법사 설정에 보면 아예 설정이 한국KT2로 뜨고 핑차이가 거의 없는데…

보통 해외망에 이상이 없고 미꾸라지 적용이 제대로 된다고 가정을 하면 RTT 가 약 140 ~ 160 ms 정도 사이가 나오는 것이 정상입니다. 혹시 미꾸라지를 적용한 후 해당 서버에서 게임을 하시는 동안 의 내용대로 한번 확인해 보시겠어요? 가장 중요한 것은 게임 트래픽이 미꾸라지 중계 서버를 통해 전달되느냐 아느냐입니다.



이런식으로 나옵니다…

음… 그러게요. 저도 내부 정보를 이용해서 게임 서버쪽과의 RTT 를 측정해 보았는데요, 아래와 같이 나오네요.

Name IP RTT Avg RTT Std US Central (Dallas, TX - Incero LLC) 28.9797 3.6280 US Central (Lombard, IL - Continuum LLC) 22.1737 3.4361 US East (New York - Digital Ocean) 23.5872 2.9639 US East(Virginia - Amazon EC2) 26.0838 3.3573 US West (Los Angeles - QuadraNet) 63.7791 8.8492 US West (N. California - Amazon EC2) 61.2117 7.6912 US West (Oregon - Amazon EC2) 63.9712 10.2658 US West (San Diego - Ixpres) 51.9791 7.2789 US West (San Francisco - Digital Ocean) 54.1851 6.7751 US West (Seattle - RamNode) 47.5972 6.0066
정작 Los Angeles Datacenter 에 게임 서버가 있다고 말해놓고 실제로 ping 을 해보면 미국 서부가 아닌 미국 동부쪽에 게임서버가 있는 듯 보입니다. 이러니 140 ~ 160 ms 로 접속이 안되는 것으로 보이네요. ㅠ.ㅠ 아마 미꾸라지를 이용하셔도 결과 이하로는 이용이 불가능해 보입니다.

추가 설명. 국내 학교 기숙사에 거주중이고 학교 IP에서 막혀서 게임을 실행하지 못해 미꾸라지를 구매했습니다. 디아블로3는 잘돌아가는데 롤은 켜지지도 않네요; 해결해주시면 감사하겠습니다.

혹시 링크에 나온 방법대로 한번 체크해보셨는지요?

아래의 글에 답변을 남겨 놓았습니다. 확인 바랍니다. :slight_smile:

According to your account information, I can see you used 325 MB (Input) and 410 MB (Output) to international and 90 MB (Input) and 5.8 M (Ouput) to domestic from Jan 1st 2016. Please be aware that at Mudfish, all input and output traffics are charged.

Please check more detailed access log at link because at ‘Status -> Access Log’ only show a entry which consumed more 1 MB. At the link, you can find your full access log.

Hello Loxch. Thank you for your reply. I was not aware an in-depth access log was available. Sorry, but this seems to have raised more issues than answers.

1) Traffic usage:
I can see that the ‘traffic usage’ report (which resets on the 1st of each month) seems in sync with what you’ve listed. However with the full ‘Access Log’, which has usage from January 2nd dating back to December 29th 2015, my grand total should only be 581 MB:
85.9 mb domestic (IN), 63.6 mb domestic (OUT), 208.7 mb international (IN), and 223.3 international (OUT). I can’t explain this disparity.

With the access logs dating 3 days further back than the monthly traffic usage reset, my numbers should be bigger than what the traffic report has listed. If I remove the December data from the access log then the traffic usage report becomes ridiculously incorrect, because that would mean I used over 800 mb between January 1st and 2nd. I hope you can see where my concern is stemming from.

2) Access under 1MB:
It seems a large portion of my traffic is actually undesired background communication between random Mudfish’s nodes (581mb total versus and expected 319.2mb). I generated:
65.3 mb in kb transactions for Domestic (IN) versus 20.5 mb of traffic over 1mb
123.4mb of international (OUT) traffic in kb versus 97.94 over 1 mb.

I’ve specified my equipped item (FFXIV) to use 2 specific nodes. I don’t know why I’m getting usage reports from all over the world. Is there a way to disable traffic between nodes I don’t intend to use?

Sorry if this is confusing or annoying to you. I think you guys have an awesome service at extremely affordable pricing. I’m just having trouble seeing a linear relationship between my usage and the small amount I’ve been deducted. Your help is greatly appreciated.

After your concerns regarding to Traffic calculation, I revisited all traffic and credit related codes (specially PHP-based codes). And found that there is a critical race condition to use flock(2) system call when it’s mixed with PHP’s serialize routines. At mudfish, there are two steps to log users activity that charging the mudfish credit and doing a sum of total users RX/TX bytes happens at first step, other all things (generates a graph per daily basics or the detailed access logs you saw) happens second step. Problem was that first step is directly handled by Web server when the logging information was collected but second step was postponed as possible as it can to deduce CPU and Database load of mudfish master server. These postponed information are stored into the disk protected by flock(2). However it seems at some point PHP serialize() is corrupted even if flock(2) is hold; leads that user access log entries and sum of traffics are mismatched and dropped. If you see ‘Status -> Traffic’, your daily traffic statistics are very inconsistent against your access log. That’s a reason why all traffic statistics becomes confusing. I think I need to fix this issue urgently.

However please be aware that your traffic usage and mudfish credit’s charge should be correct and let me provide and collect the raw logs for your account before your logs are disposed. :slight_smile:

> I’ve specified my equipped item (FFXIV) to use 2 specific nodes. I don’t know why I’m getting usage reports from all over the world. Is there a way to disable traffic between nodes I don’t intend to use?

That was unfortunately a characteristic of mudfish since its initial version to change each nodes quickly. At very beginning it’s not an issue because there were few mudfish nodes comparing nowadays. At this moment, there are no ways to disable it.

Thank you for your reporting and it’s very helpful to find a bug of PHP code.

OK. Now I hope this traffic issue should be address on mudfish master server. Please monitor your traffic pattern again from this point and let me know if it seems that the traffic calculation is still wrong.

제가 제대로 알고 있다면 Rust 라면 P2P 기반 게임으로 알려져 있는데요, 맞나요?  그렇다면 P2P 기반 게임과 미꾸라지 링크를 참조하셔야 합니다. ㅠ.ㅠ  

This should be fixed now because it was DOWN. :-(

I think your problem is solved now. :frowning: Sorry for this inconvenience.

입금된 계좌로 환불 부탁드립니다

알겠습니다. 다만 직접 계좌 이체로 크레딧을 충전해 주셨기 때문에 환불을 해드리려면 계좌 정보를 알아야 합니다. 가능하시다면 환불 정책 문서를 참조하셔서 계좌 정보를 보내주시면 제가 처리해 드리겠습니다.

처리해 드렸습니다. :slight_smile: 확인해보시고 문제가 있으시면 언제든지 답글 부탁드립니다. 결제 자체가 취소되었습니다.