개인이 아이템 만드는건 종량제만 가능한건지 모르고 정액제로 바꿔버렸는데, 돌릴수없나요?
1달에 1번가능하구요 저는심심해서답변하는거구요 미꾸라지관리자님이보면 변경해주실거에요
관리자님이 얼른 바꿔주셨으면 좋겠네유 ㅠㅠㅠ 직접 연락해봐야하나… 암튼 답변 감사드려요 ㅎㅎㅎ
The following are my answers to your questions:
1. Yes correct. Exactly speaking, PC -> Mudfish client -> ISP -> Mudfish server -> Game server.
2. If you’re seeing some negative values, it means some of information are not synced with mudfish UI. Please ignore that entries though it’s one of known issues I’m fixing. However regarding to how to pick a better node, please check FAQ - Nodes document first.
However when I looked into your status, it seems you’re encountering the following error message. Please check the error code document ans resolve it for stable connection.
[243.957232] [ERROR] re18: MUDEC_00262: ODR_sendto() error to Message too long. Check your path MTU. (curmtu 1450 buflen 1464)
Error code document? I do not understand
Oh, I just notice the error pop up. How do I fix that? The error pop up only shows up for a few second. I cant search the problem.
Login phase work great so far, but there are random disconnect
Ooops… I’m not sure which mudfish node did you tried to use. Did you tried to use other mudfish nodes? Is it always same regardless of mudfish node you picked?
기본 동작 여부 확인 은 제대로 되시는지요? 우선 이것을 먼저 확인하셔야 할 듯 합니다.
EDIT: 아… Full VPN 모드를 사용 안할 경우 군요… 혹시 ‘‘다크 에이지 오브 카멜롯’’ 게임 문제인가요? 그럴 경우 혹시 가능하시다면 Full VPN 모드 로 게임을 하시는 동안 잠깐 미꾸라지를 이용한 패킷 덤프 를 하여 보내주세요. 아이템 자체의 이슈일 수도 있습니다.
I’d set a trial credit now for your account. So I think you can use all mudfish nodes and features for a while. Please let me know if there’s any problems and questions.