嗨我最近 [Gundam Online](http://1


Gundam Online 線路不是很穩定 本來想續約 請問這遊戲是不是只剩一個線路了?? 最近兩個禮拜開始有延遲感

Sorry for answering in English because we’re not offering technical support with other languages.

Picking just a node
that shows near flat graph may considered more consistency.

How to have a better ping at this game ? i hope can less than 100. Is better use

FastConnect mode or basic mode or advance mode ?

Picking just 1
that shows near flat graph may considered more consistency. Pros and

I think FastConnect mode disabled is better for you.

Why i don’t have other node can choose? You just supply one node for gundam online ?

This RTT is over 180 !

Have you whitelisted a Mudfish node?

Node List Policy


It’s working , very thank you. I did not no can choose other node.