Halo Infinite

Are you able to add Halo Infinite as an Item? Servers are the same as Halo: The Master Chief Collection.


Yes, please!

@unph4zed Are you meaning that if you use “Halo: The Master Chief Collection” game item of mudfish, it works for “Halo Infinite” too?

No, they are separate games but I noticed I have the same latency to west/central/east servers that I had in Halo MCC.

Hmm… For this case then, it’s not officially supported by Mudfish yet. As a workaround, you should use one of the methods at Unsupported Games.

And if you want to see it officially at Mudfish, please send me some game packets using Packet Capture with Mudfish link while playing the game with Full VPN mode.

I need some game packets to register for a new game.

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