Having an issue where I seem t

Having an issue where I seem to not be routing correctly in the Firestorm mode of Battlefield 5 only. It's fine with normal modes where from Australia to Singapore I get 65 ping, but try to play Firestorm mode I get 220 ping to Singapore servers. I only get that sort of ping when I don't run Mud Fish, but it is running because I check or join normal modes and it's fine. My other friends in Australia who use Mud Fish are experiencing a similar issue. This has only started occurring in the last couple of days. I have been on the latest version, but also tried rolling back to 4.5.1 with no result. I've logged in, logged out, reinstalled, tried full VPN and everything I could think of, but nothing fixes this issue. The fact that it works fine with normal Battlefield 5 modes means that Mud Fish is working fine except has some problem with Firestorm all of the sudden. Please help me sort this issue. Good ping to Firestorm servers is why I pay for Mud Fish. Thanks.

I have now confirmed the issue is definitely Mud Fish that is routing incorrectly for Firestorm mode of BFV. To prove this I used another couple of VPN's that push me from Australia to Singapore and it routes me correctly no problem lowering my ping. This means Mud Fish has definitely developed an issue with Firestorm mode only, but this has only occurred in the last couple of days for us here in Australia. Please investigate.

Firestorm mode of Battlefield 5 is still no longer supported by MudFish. The normal modes are working fine. Please resolve this issue which has only started occurring for about last 6 days. All players in Australia using MudFish are experiencing same problem.

I see this issue status has been set to "Escalated". We are still experiencing an issue with the Firestorm mode of Battlefield 5 only. All other modes work fine for Battlefield 5. All the people I have referred Mud Fish to are no longer using it because of the issue and are awaiting my feedback. I continue to try every day only to be disappointed with the same result. When I use another VPN it's all good , so the issue must be with Mud Fish. Previous to the last week Mud Fish was perfect and rarely, only 1 out of 20 plus games would fail. Now it does not work for Firestorm mode at all. Any other mode in Battlefield 5 it works perfectly reducing my ping to 65 to Singapore from Australia. When it does not work it's 220 ping which is unplayable. Tried many different things to rectify this, but it was fine before so I should not need to do anything now. Hoping to hear you have resolved the issue or even something I could try. Meantime I am wasting my time and money with this. Please help.

Please let us know what contains in

* Status - Process - Core 


mud _std .txt

files in

C:\Program Files (x86)\Mudfish Cloud VPN



setupapi. .log

files in



You can inspect how network traffic goes on with tools like WinMTR or PingPlotter.

Requested logs provided in ZIP folder here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ag56fSE3ClbIlw2qM_MXLU7YoalN

Thank you for your reply.

I'm hoping what I've supplied for you is what you required? I am still experiencing the same problem. Would like to hear that you have found what the issue is. If there's anything more I can do just let me know. I am really keen to see this problem resolved. Thanks.

Thank you for your submit. But for solving the problem we want to know a network packet dump with firestorm mode of BattleField 5.

Would you capture that packet? (manual : https://docs.mudfish.net/en/docs/mudfish-cloud-vpn/tech-support-packetdump-mudfish/ )

Sorry to border you.