Helbreath Korea (Helbreath.com)

Is it possible to add Helbreath Korea in? I am from Singapore. I used exitlag for helbreath manage to lowered the ping but it is still not constant and whenever big clash happens I will disconnect. It is a korea game, oldie. helbreath.com

Any update on this?
I cannot capture package as it requires a korea ip to play. If I use vpn capture will it work?

Unfortunately it’s not officially supported by Mudfish yet. As workaround you should use one of methods at Unsupported Games.

And if you want to see it officially at Mudfish, please send us some game packets using Packet Capture with Mudfish link while playing the game with Full VPN mode.

We need some game packets to register new game.

I will try to do that later

I have uploaded the packet dump. Titled Helbreath Official - Korea

I chose the first available asia korea lightnode, seems really slow for me I hope it doesn’t affect anything for the information needed.

When can I expect the add? Appreciate.

I’d left my answer on the packet dump topic you uploaded at Private Support menu. Please check it there. :slight_smile: You can find your topics at https://mudfish.net/forums/iwrote link.

Thank you! Very good help! I replied. Appreciate. ^^

I have update you on the node at https://mudfish.net/forums/iwrote

Also is there a chance that you implement the to own network? So that we can access via our phone while in game or something to do adjustment via own router assign ip 192:168:0:xxx:8282

If you want to change “” to " (any), please use -a option when you excute Mudfish Launcher.

Then it’ll listen on to get the requests. However please note that it makes the security weak because anyone can connect to Mudfish Launcher UI.

Hi there weongyo, currently I had found the best node for it without spike and least packet loss route.
SG Asia (Singapore - Psychz)

Are there anyway you can create more node like this that performance this way but with lesser ping like 70ms? As there are alot of node that I can get with 70ms however the packet loss is alot.
SG Asia (Singapore - Psychz) is the best currently for me but with 80ms ping.

For this question, please check my comment I left on your private topics. I think you need to perform WinMTR tests between your desktop and mudfish nodes to know where these packet loss are from.

Solved thank you very much!

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