Hello, after the srvice outage

Hello, after the srvice outage, the servers worked perfectly for about 2 days, I had amazing pings to blade and soul (69~71) But yesterday and today, the pings were really bad, it mostly starts good (~72) then starts spiking up to 100 and stays there, awaiting your assistance.I usually use pielayer, ideal hosting (1 and 2) and leaseweb.  
      Also, when I use TCP as the connection method, the ping becomes REALLY unstable, changes every second.

It’s weird because when I ping those nodes, it gives me pretty low ping, 73±, but when I connect through them the ping is absolutely bad! Please check this…I really need this to be fixed.

It’s been two days since I posted and no response, please help T-T.

Please don’t add comments after creating a topic because it’s bumped up to the top of topics and your priority for answers is reset. :-(  
However did you test sending the ping to mudfish node, for example to DE Europe (Germany - PieLayer) at Command Prompt continually?  Meanwhile try to play the game.  When the ping begins to spike, please check ping result too from Command Prompt whether it spikes too or not.  

In mudfish, 3000 ms means that it’s in packet loss.  Then could you please continually send the ping to IP (it’s the private IP of DE Europe (Germany - PieLayer)) while using this node?  If it shows the timeout again, it means that there’s a problem between your desktop and mudfish node.  

It happened again…So much lag, then ping dropped, then back up then lag etc.http://imgur.com/a/KwGlg

I know posting a new comment resets my priority, but, you haven’t replied in two days, although I’ve seen replies to others within hours…This is really disappointing…

Thank you for these screentshots.  Errors you encountered were related with FastConnect mode if it failed to communicate with mudfish nodes.  Could you try to use TCP protocol (for details Connection Protocols) and see whether it’s still same?  

I did mention above that I did use tcp as protocol and it was WORSE than UDP, please reply faster.

Can we skip this and move to the ACTUAL problem solving? It’s been 15 days, 15!! And the problem is still happening! I formatted my pc and still no use! I need a solution!

Umm… Did you try to update the game while Mudfish was running? Sometimes CDN and Mudfish causes this issue. :frowning:

혹시 해당 증상이 Full VPN 모드 로 한국 중계 서버를 변경 하셔도 동일하신 지요?

네 아마존 EC 2 로 잡고 해봐도 여전히 같은 증상입니다 MUDE_00044 클라이언트가 아직 준비가 되지 않았다 라는 오류가 뜨는데 어떻게 해야할까요 ?

해당 부분의 자세한 해결책은 MUDEC_00044MUDEC_00045 오류를 참고 바랍니다. :slight_smile:

그리고 중계 서버를 다른 것으로도 시도를 해보시기 바랍니다. 한국 중계 서버 중 되는 서버 안되는 서버가 있을 수 있습니다. ㅠ.ㅠ