hello, been using this on and

hello, been using this on and off for a while, but today i logged and found this error : " [24.726414] MUDEC_00179: Path MTU is wrong. (809/1450) " …

should i be concerned ? and will it affect my gameplay ?

what would you suggest to fix this problem ?

this error only showed up once and never again, does that mean its already fixed or is it hidden somewhere ?

what would you suggest to fix this problem ?

Did you check above MUDEC_00179 error document? If you want to fix it, I think you can find more details.

this error only showed up once and never again, does that mean its already fixed or is it hidden somewhere ?

Not fixed because it’s hidden. :slight_smile:

didn’t understand a word :confused:

[2/3] mtu setting in win 32 adapter : https://s12.postimg.org/k1zzldnjx/222222.png

a guide online says if we assumed the last value before losing data called N, then mtu = N+28 = 1500 in my case and both my router and mudfish use this value …

im really really dumb, i tried to understand that doc and went online for guides and now im having a mental break-down …

just hit me man : is there a fix for it ?


:slight_smile: Thank you for sending the packet dump. Based on your packet dump, I had updated the game item. Could you please test with it? If it is not working properly, please let me know.

it works,thank you~

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