Hello. I have some problem. Im plaing in Blade&Soul (EU Windrest). Usually im choosing a server “LeaseWeb” because its have smaller ping (leaseweb - 36ms, next - serverhub - 47ms). But second day if i choose “leaseweb” - ping 3000ms and message from command ping “Reply from Destination host unreachable.”. From tracert “Tracing route to icmp.eu.ncwest.com []over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 reports: Destination host unreachable.” I cant play with ping in 45+ms! What can i do with it? Im using mudfish a very long time and its first problem D: Please, help me.
It looks like leaseweb node is offline
I have the exact same error as you guys.
I also made a post about it but I haven’t heard from him it, we will probably have to wait for him to come back for it to fix, until then we will have to choose less then optimal nodes I guess
Ok, i understand it. But it was some unexpectedly. Thank you for the answer. Also, i want to ask about servers. Why mudfish dont have servers from Sweden? I mean, it will be very very good, because im living in Russia (St., Petersburg, its northwest), and i have more small ping than on LeaseWeb, 15-20ms vs 36ms.I tested it on another vpn-service. And i think that for people from northwest ping will be better through the Sweden.I used another vpn, but it was not stably, and after that i turned back to mudfish (screenshot with ping from another vpn to bns servers: https://i.gyazo.com/dbeb91ef1099eb9918e8a51de4c9645b.png )
Weird… If you’re referring to DE Europe (Germany - LeaseWeb) nodes, it seems it’s fine now and I’d tested multiple things on this node. Could you please check it again?
Okay. :-) It’s a time to lease Sweden nodes. Definitely you’ll see more nodes at there. Thank you for your feedback.
Please send me some game packets using Packet Capture with Mudfish link while playing the game with Full VPN mode.
To add new game server, I need some game packets to analyze.
Please send me some game packets using Packet Capture with Mudfish link while playing the game with Full VPN mode.
To add new game, I need some game packets to analyze.
Hi yes I captured some packets, not sure how much you needed. I uploaded them under "God Slayer MMO packets "
Something is wrong because I can’t find your packet dump file at Mudfish side. Sorry for this issue. Could you please send it to me again?
ok I redumped 9mbs of packets under God Slayer packets
Thank you for sending the packet dump. Based on your packet dump, I had created an item. Could you please equip and test with it? If it is not working properly, please let me know.
Hi Loxch, I tested the item and played God Slayer, the ping seems to be running between 350+ to 250 something; is that what you were expecting?
Please check my answer at other topic.