Hello, I recently started usin

Hello, I recently started using Mudfish to help with packet loss on FFXIV. However I was still getting it after using the nodes recommended. I saw it suggested full VPN mode and tried that, while I stopped loosing connection due to packet loss, or at least in the same way, I had high levels of lag and disconnecting because of the connection. Could someone please assist me in my issue?

Did you check Final Fantasy XIV - A Realm Reborn section before while setting the game item?

Yes I did.

Yes, though it doesn’t seem to matter which node I pick, packet loss happens at the same rate as if I’m not using Mudfish.

Not sure why at this moment. If you’re familiar with WinMTR, please check the link and try to test where these packet losses are from.

While I’m not overly familiar with the program, this is what I ended up getting after installing.

For what it’s worth this is what my Mudfish tracker does when I get booted from the game.


It’s been a while since my last answer. :frowning: Sorry for belated response. When I checked the result of WinMTR, it’s definitely a problem between your destktop and mudfish node because its packet losses (3000 ms ping) at hop 2. If then you should change a mudfish node from one to another based on FAQ - Nodes section.

And If you’d like to narrow down little bit more, please use WinMTR to the public IP of mudfish nodes.

Where would I find the public IP for the node I’m using?

Also I was tracking again, and I got the same error in game, but this is what my tracker was showing.


You can find the public IP of mudfish nodes at http://mudfish.net/server/status link.