Hello, I used Mudfish android

Hello, I used Mudfish android app to pay $4.99 but I logged in as rsod25 alias by accident on my phone and paid to alias. So I don’t have these credits added on my account, however I can see them added to my alias when I’m logging in from phone. Can you please help me and fix it? Thanks.



since it’s weekend and I need vpn right now I paid again using correct login. Can I please get a refund for failed payment, or have it actually added to my account? Thanks

Hello… can I get some assistance please?

Please don’t add new comments after creating a topic because it’ll be bumped and reset your priority to get answers.

I’d moved your previous transaction from ‘rsod25’ to ‘rsod’ now. Please check and let me know if you want to refund one of your transactions. I can handle it for you. :slight_smile: Sorry for this inconvenience… I need to fix the bug of Mudfish android app for alias account.

Thank you and it’s good now, no refund needed

Cool! :slight_smile: I hope now everything goes well with mudfish. Please let me know if there are any other problems.