Hello, i would like to report

Hello, i would like to report a problem. Before, Mudfish was helping me alot lowering my latency to Closers China server, but today it suddenly stopped affecting my game. The graph still shows my average 200-250 RTT, however in game have around 300-400 ping and regular lag spikes - just like it happens when i play without any VPN. I have tried multiple nodes combinations, aswell as reinstalling Mudfish package and making sure it’s working with the “what’s my ip” page, but the results are still the same…
(By the way, prior to this issue, the server i’m playing on had a 12 hours maintenance. It is an unusual long time for such a small content update, maybe they have done a server transfer at the same time ? Is there any way to verify it ?)
PS : when i turn off Mudfish, i still stay connected in the game.

:frowning: It looks they moved their game server location to another place. Please send me some game packets using Packet Capture with Mudfish link while playing the game with Full VPN mode.

I need to update the game item.

Here it is http://mudfish.net/forums/7/topics/27834

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