Hello, I’ve been playing MSGO(JP) and noticed my RTT increased from 90 to 190~ in the past week. In the item configuration page it still shows average of 90, while in the dashboard it’s a whopping 190~. Is this normal, Or is there any problem with my configurations? I’ve checked some of the suggested nodes and others, still the same.
No response to this? My direct ping to Japan should be around 90ms yet mudfish makes it almost 200ms which is a huge disadvantage for such game.
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Did you try to change a mudfish node based on FAQ - Nodes section for your game item? If you’re using the advanced mode, please start with the basic mode.
Could you please confirm that it’s also same with Full VPN mode enabled?
I’ve tried different nodes applicable to the game itself (JP only), also tried full VPN mode and received same results. I was using basic mode all the time. I’ve included both the item page and realtime RTT.
Additional notes, the realtime RTT only started acting up that way about a week after I started, it was going smoothly hovering around 90ms before that.
Very weird… Then could you please send a ping to IP while Mudfish is running? Please check whether it’s even same with Realtime RTT values.
Hi loxch, I’ve pinged the IP you mentioned and got the same result confirming my suspicions. I’ve included the result in this post. Thanks for the quick reply.
As a bonus, I tried to ping the official site of the game with mudfish running.
And indeed mudfish does work here, so yes this is weird.
Umm. Weird… As workaround I’d updated RTT information to IP based. However is there any information available in the game client to show your ping?
Sorry, there are no concrete numeric information in the game client. However, I can feel it based on the input lag on some of the weapons in the game; bazooka and melee, that are affected by ping indeed, takes a while and doesn’t feel under 100ms. Enemies melee also hit me after I clearly evaded them, which is an indicator of high latency. Hopefully you can get this resolved.
I used Aliyun 2 node to ping the IP you mentioned again.
When you get a chance, please check How to use WinMTR and test to on your network. I think it’ll show more details about why.
When I checked from my side, it takes 44 ms so it seems it’s okay.
Okay after several tests, here are the results I’ve got.
Without mudfish: I’ve hosted both (which I assume is the game server) and (official site), and both got 189ms because for some reason I have shitty routing that reroutes me to NORTH AMERICA first before going to Japan. I know, what the hell.
With mudfish: It worked for the (official site) where it directly connects me to JP and received ~90ms, I can also see the mudfish node (I use sakuranet for this test) here.
However, it didn’t work for in which I still got rerouted to NA again before going to JP, the sakuranet node I use also doesn’t show up on this one. It’s the same as without mudfish.
I’m not using full VPN mode for either of these tests.
Where can I can send you the logs?
I’ve sent the results to the mail, thanks.
Cori, I’d checked your result and updated the game item. Could you please test it again?
Hi loxch, I’ve tested it and it’s fixed now. I can confirm with WinMRT and the ingame responses that the latency is fine now, thank you so much!
The difference is huge and very noticeable, this means a lot!
Cool! I hope now everything goes well with mudfish. Please let me know if there are any other problems.