Hello.. my ping jumps to 3000m

Hello… my ping jumps to 3000ms then comes back immediately! It makes sudden disconnects without a reason. Can somebody of you “support” tell me what to do please? because I tried everything and couldn’t help. Please help


Also when I tried to use another ping tool “pingzapper”, it makes my ping worse too… seems like every ping tool is making it worse for me. I don’t understand the problem!

Also I found that you guys may ask for WinMTR Report “after searching for the same issue for a while” so I decided to give it to you.


$ 8.59 (USD)
Traffic balance
72.10 GB

I have 72gb of traffic.

I tried full vpn mode and “http://myip.mudfish.net/” is stuck at ‘waiting for myip.mudfish.net’. doesn’t want to load!

Please try to Create Custom

as refer Unsupported

  1. Take a look and find the daemon process what you want to apply
    Mudfish in Status → Memory

  2. Then create a Custom Item as input the process name


Packet Capture with

link while playing the game with Full VPN

We need some packets to update a Mudfish

답변이 늦어 죄송합니다. 혹시 이 게임 서버가 사설 서버인가요? 아니면 공식 라이센스를 받은 정식 서버 인가요? 제가 패킷 덤프를 확인해 보면 게임 서버로 의심이 되는 IP 대역이 있긴 한데, 어떻게 등록을 해드려야 할지 몰라 질문을 드립니다. 혹시나 접속 가능한 게임 홈페이지 같은 것이 있다면 도움이 될 듯 합니다.