Hello, please add Astellia Onl

Hello, please add Astellia Online (NA)

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https://mudfish.net/forums/7/topics/58715 Attached packet file here

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This so much please!

Is there any update on this. Playing Astellia Online in NA, would very much appreciate it being available through Mudfish. Thanks!

Please send me some game packets using Packet Capture with Mudfish link while playing the game with Full VPN mode.

To add new game server, I need some game packets to analyze.

Previously that had issues not showing properly, i sent a winpcap with wireshark to
support@loxch.com, is that correct address?

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Thank you for sending this packet dump! @happypototo I’d created the game item “Astellia Online”. Could you please test with it? If it doesn’t work, please let me know again.

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