Hello, Recently I've been gett

Hello, Recently I've been getting the 00062 error whilst playing FFXIV. It seemed to have started during adding the Light DC. I've tried using two different nodes, turning fastconnect on/off and is still appearing.

What about Full VPN mode?

I'd like to avoid using Full VPN mode but it seems like full vpn mode stops it. To add to my initial post, it is very inconsistent when the 00062 error code pops up, somedays it'll be constantly doing it whilst other days it will be fine


Packet Capture with Mudfish link while playing the game with Full VPN mode. We need some packets to update a Mudfish item.

I have submitted the packet dump just recently

Please check my answer at the previous topic.

Even without the use of fastconnect it still occurs. Using a different connection protocol does not work as the FFXIV launcher black screens with anything but tcp