Hello there, I dont know what

Hello there, I dont know what happened but my account just got minus 2.5 dollars. Could you please check what happened? I’ve bought more credits anyway. Thank you!

Mudfish Credit will consumed for downloading/updating or patching a game client.

Also, credit calculation may be delayed around 30 minutes to 2 hours so you may belated notice that.

The problem is that my client is configured to be used in dota2 (Steam) and i just noticed my pubg download used my Mudfish credits. Is it right? I mean, I configured the Mudfish to use tunnel in Archerage (another game) and Dota2 but it was used by steam to update another game

Frankly I can’t trace your problem because no logs are available. :frowning: As default, Mudfish doesn’t log your activity so no usage stats are available.

However I’d reset your mudfish credits. Please check and let me know if there’s something wrong.

Tyvm! Actually I really dont know what happened. Im using mudfish since september last year and never had any problem regarding traffic problem.

You are doing a very good job guys. Ty again!

I think you should check Connection Log at Setup - Account - Edit Profile to prevent same situation in later
