Hello, i have 2 isps one of them (threesa) works well with mudfish and the other doesnt seem to help much (airtel). Threesa is a local isp provider and when i use chennai nodes it helps me get lower ping around 54-55ms ingame but gives me alot of packet loss so its unplayable. On airtel i get no packet loss but the ping doesnt seem to change when i try using the chennai nodes. Its around 60ms ingame, im attaching the traceroute for both. Anything that can be done to make airtel isp work with mudfish nodes? Afaik airtel is a mainstream isp provider in india and has strict NAT. Does that have to do anything with it?
Also adding a comparison between both the ISPs and linode 3 chennai node. Is it possible for airtel isp to get similar ping like threesa to your chennai node so i can get lowest ping at the gameserver
Thank you for these detailed screenshots. Here’s my opinion:
- I think is your home router. Are you using a WIFI to connect to your home router? It has ridiculously very high packt loss rate. Normally it should be 0% packet loss for most of cases.
- If I checked the result from threesa, it shows that your packet loss is happening at your local ISP level. So I don’t think that you have an option to bypass this issue because it’s happening at the closer place.
No. It’s not easy if its latency is delayed at your ISP level. You need to bypass these routing path to another routing path but I don’t think there’s enough mudfish nodes to bypass.
No wifi, both the ISPs are connected directly by fiber to a (GPON router) and i use 2 separate CAT5 cable to connect them to my PC.
You said the latency is delayed at your ISP level for airtel. Which Nr Shows that? Btw that isp uses CG-NAT and if i want to remove it i have to get a static IP from them. Do you think that will make any difference in this case?
Also for threesa have packet loss at ISP level could you point out the Nr so i can show this chat and the isp engineer can maybe help fix it.
Adding 2 screenshots where my local isp during day/evening time and another post 11pm
I could guess that using the static IP instead of one CG-NAT behind changes the routing path to the upstream routers. However as you might expect, we could not guarantee that it’d be better. I think some of QoS or priority for the packets could be different but I’m not sure that the packet loss issue could be solved.
If you’re talking about the result of threesa
ISP, I marked a red box which shows the packet loss. As mentioned before, first you need to fix the packet loss issue on
The airtel isp with cgnat does not have any packet loss its very much stable for gaming. Only issue i am having with it is, mudfish doesnt help reduce the ping instead it increases. When i use nodes from chennai india on my other isp threesa (local) it gives me the lowest ping possible.
Airtel to SG valorant (60ms) without Mudfish. With mudfish the ping increases or stays the same
Threesa to SG valorant (60-70ms) without Mudfish. With mudfish Chennai nodes it gives me 52-54ms
So how can i make mudfish nodes work better with my airtel isp?