Hey Loxch,
Just wondering if you’re able to give any tips/advice/help regarding using OpenVPN For routing game traffic? My mate said that I should ask you since he thinks you use OpenVPN for routing, or something similar to it. I’m having issues with it “locking up” in-game. If I input more than one command (move + attack) it causes my latency to go up and up. If I only input one command (like attack) It stays low and stable.
Thank you!
:-) Mudfish is totally different than OpenVPN internally and I’m not a expert of OpenVPN too. However your symptom is weird in view of OpenVPN. Which the connection protocol (UDP or TCP based) are you using? And which game are you playing?
Not sure it’s related with OpenVPN but if then it’s more likely related with nagle algorithm or packet queueing.
I see. My RTT as in my latency to the proxy server? That is ~52-55ms. SSH Tunnel/Proxy is hosted on same server as OpenVPN. I tried “TCP_NODELAY = 1” and changing some packet queuing rules, but no success. Do you want a video of what the issue looks like in game?
Is it possible to terminate the TCP connection at the box with OpenVPN?
Thank you again for the reply. If it’s easier to talk to you, I have Discord and Skype.
see. My RTT as in my latency to the proxy server? That is ~52-55ms. SSH Tunnel/Proxy is hosted on same server as OpenVPN.
Then what’s RTT between your proxy server(or OpenVPN server) and game server? Not sure what’s your ping (latency) in the game with the proxy server or OpenVPN server?
> Do you want a video of what the issue looks like in game?
No it’s enough. :-) I think I understand your problem.
> Is it possible to terminate the TCP connection at the box with OpenVPN?
Nop. OpenVPN is a general VPN program so only a thing what it does is NATing.
Oh, I see. Damn, then I can’t test if the terminating part is the issue. Proxy and OpenVPN server are on the same VPS/Server. RTT to Game Server from OpenVPN server is ~50-55ms. RTT to the game server from home (through VPN/Proxy server) is ~102-108ms. In-game (Blade and Soul Taiwan) the latency meter always shows 190-200 (even if actual latency is 100. Same if I use mudfish/any other tunnel program).
If I ONLY attack, it stays 190-200 (sometimes 180 at night). If I start moving and attacking/moving camera and attacking, ping goes up by 10-20ms every 2 attacks until it hits about 350-400 and then stays around there. Delay feels very bad at that point.
If I use Proxy/Socks5, it stays 190-200 no matter what.
Thank you again for taking the time to help me with this problem. Just out of curiosity: did this ever happen to you with your special MudFish VPN?
did this ever happen to you with your special MudFish VPN?
:-) Frankly speaking, I don’t know because I don’t play at Blade and Soul Taiwan game server
No idea at this moment because you said you’re using UDP protocol to OpenVPN server so I don’t think it’d be related with packet queueing and TCP nagle algorithm. It seems like it’s up to how to game client works internally to send the packet and using Proxy/Socks5 is making some hidden magic not to do buffering its packets.
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Thank you for sending the packet dump. Based on your packet dump, I had updated the game item. Could you please test with it? If it is not working properly, please let me know.
Hi, finally got a chance to test it, works as expected, thanks!
Cool! I hope now everything goes well with mudfish. Please let me know if there are any other problems.