Hey Mudfish Team, are you going to add “Ascendant One” to the list of supported websites/game? Came out recently on Nexon, looks pretty good, really want to try it out
Unfortunately it’s not officially supported by Mudfish yet. As workaround you should use one of methods at Unsupported Games. And if you want to see it officially at Mudfish, please send me some game packets using Packet Capture with Mudfish link while playing the game with Full VPN mode.
I need some game packets to register new game.
Well I’ve tried the record packet thing, it gaves me an “internal error” when I press stop, so I’m not sure it’s working for me, did everything as explained, I’m running in full VPN right now, pressed recording, logged one and played, and mid game I decided to stop the record because of the 10mb, but even on a few seconds record, I’ve got that message…
Please check above link and see how to send it manually if it’s stuck. Sorry for this issue. I think there’s unexpected error while uploading the packet dump file…
I sent you a mail with all the packets I’ve recorded with Whireshark, don’t know if you guys received it, but there should be everything inside (sent a few days ago)
Thank you for sending the packet dump. Based on your packet dump, I had created an item “Ascendant One”. Could you please equip and test with it? If it is not working properly, please let me know.
Well, I don’t know but I can’t login, since to login, they’re using their website : https://a1.nexon.com/main/index
It does redirect me to the nexon page for my language, so I guess that’s missing!
Umm… Could you please test it again?
Everything is working perfectly fine, game is smooth, no problem to download patches on the updater, login is fine, well done it’s working!
Cool! I hope now everything goes well with mudfish. Please let me know if there are any other problems.